Friday, January 11, 2013

Just One More Week

It's time to say that this is my last post, and in a week, I'll close all of my blogs for good. (Edited--not quite my last post! I want to make a list of some of the blogs I read and just a couple of other things before I close shop.)

Anyone who has been reading my blogs for awhile knows that I have waffled and wavered about blogging almost from the start and especially during this last little while. I really am sorry for that. There's nothing worse than listening to bloggers go on about blogging or not blogging and all of their reasons why. I think it's time to put you all out of your misery regarding that!

So, it's time to close up shop on all of my blogs without opening a new one. The Lord has led me along to a new place, into a new season, and it's time to carry on with my life.  I've always enjoyed writing about the things that are on my mind, but I don't need to do that on a blog. I can write letters! In fact, my friends who like to write back and forth with me might really be glad I'm doing this!

My decision is just my own and is not an indictment of blogging in general. In fact, I will be peeking in on your blogs from time to time! I just can't honestly think of a good reason for me to keep a blog. I'm sure my time for it is past.

I'm sorry I've dragged you along so much recently and that I've kept you waiting for my new blog link that is now never going to appear. I really am sorry. You might be thinking, "She'll be back. We've heard this before." But, no, I really won't. I have too many doubts and growing convictions about how I want to spend my time regarding the internet. This is not a sudden thought or realization; I've been unsettled about it throughout this last little while of blogging.

Plus, I told a friend today that I think I am, at heart, a technological minimalist. I think I do best when technology plays a small role in my life. The way of the world is, increasingly, to be plugged in and active in cyberspace, but it's still possible to live largely without it, and I think I'd like to hang on to that slower, older way as much as I can. I like that kind of life.

I want as little time as possible to be eaten up online. When I blog, the internet creeps into my life more and more somehow, even when I'm not posting. In fact, I'm guessing that I'm going to get antsy when I step back from this again, and that's a good enough sign that it's time to go.

So, again, I'm sorry for my wavering statements about blogging. I feel honored that you have visited me here, some of you routinely. I wish you the very best, and I pray God's blessings on each and every one of you.


  1. I fully understand . . I agree with the net eating up time, its not good, and many are stepping away just like you. I wish you all the best, and thank you for the words when they were there on this blog. blessings to you.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your words so much. :-)

  2. Hello, it will be sad to not see you in my Google Reader. And I'm a newish reader, compared to your long time blog friends.

    I have such mixed emotions reading this post. I'm sad that your "voice" will not be heard here. Sad to miss out on your view of your corner of the world, the good reminders to slow down and savor moments and look for beauty around. I realize this is a selfish reaction.

    Sometimes we do things for our benefit, and much of the time we are doing for the benefit of others. My feeling in regard to your blog is, it's been a ministry more than you know.

    Regardless, you have to do what you believe is right for you. But, as a lady of 54 years ;-) experience has taught me to never say never. Who knows how you might feel in the future. Of course that could just be my own wishful thinking, that you'll change your mind!

    Thank you for blogging, and God bless you richly as you move forward.

    1. Thank you, Susan, who has the same name and age as me! :-) I don't know how you found your way here, but I'm glad you did. You have been a blessing to me through your comments. I pray God will bless you, too, Susan. Take care.

  3. Dearheart, you will be missed. Blessings in the steps ahead. I know you will walk them with integrity and live life beautifully and fully, whatever you are doing.

    1. Thank you so much, Beth. I'll be in touch.:-)

  4. While I feel a sadness as when you closed your High Desert Home blog before, who am I to say to continue when I myself have quieted my own blog, The Simple Woman. I, too, went back and forth for a time wanting so much to blog and then thinking who cares anyhow...BUT, I must say I have been at great peace remaining quiet. I find the older I get, the more private I have become with things that pertain to my life. I love having that protected place in which to wander and wonder without having life straight up against me, the friction of something too close, the rubbing, scratching that comes from internet.

    I wish you all the best in life!


    1. Peggy, I am glad that you've been around for so long. I have been blessed by your own ministry to women, and I love, too, what you say here about being quiet. I wish you the best, too, Peggy, and xo right back at you! :-)

    2. aw...sweet Susan...that means ever so much to me!

  5. Email me please! I want to be one of your back and forth letter writing friends, I cant let you disappear from my life completely :)

  6. Ah, Susan...I was sad to read this, but I so respect and understand your desire to be true to you in this season of life. Over the years, you have inspired me, challenged me, guided me and invited me to truly live. I cannot thank you enough for who you have been in my life.

    A few years back I printed out your "learning" posts from HDH, and I continue to go back to them as needed. Thank you for sharing that piece of your lives with us. Through those posts, you invited me to explore learning as a lifestyle, and oh my. It continues to be a truly, lovely journey!

    I've watched over the years as God has molded you. Some moments have reminded me of Aslan ripping off Eustace's scales or tearing the skin on Aravis' back. Some moments have echoed Wendell Berry's "Peace of Wild Things." Through it all, you have struggled or rested well. I know you did not share every piece of the puzzle with us, but I glimpsed bits of emotion through your words or through the spaces between.

    When I read your post this morning, I felt a bit like Mole when he was lying in his own bed after returning home with Rat. There is something about your blogs that is so familiar, so comforting, so...home. But it is time to move on, to experience other beautiful and good things.

    I feel I could ramble on here which means I should probably stop now. ;) I just want you to know that God has used you to call forth beauty and life within me and my girls.

    You are a treasure, and you are loved!

    1. Kelli, I hope you see this! Do you have my email address? I think I used to have yours, but I don't know what it is, and I've actually wanted to contact you for a long time. If you have my address, could you email me, and if you don't, do you mind letting me know here in the comments ASAP?

      I love what you wrote in this comment, Kelli. And I am blessed and honored by what you said to me. I only wish I could live up to it. The poem by Wendell Berry? I just read it this week and so identified with it, so when you wrote that, I just thought, "Oh, I love that Kelli!"

      Thank you for everything, Kelli. You've been a blessing to me for a long, long time.

      Love, Susan

  7. Susan- You are a kindred spirit. I have had the same internal conversations that you describe and (though I have never shared the wisdom and blessed others the way you have), I have landed in the same place you are at. I LOVE the term technological minimalist. I have been decluttering the past couple of years and sometimes wonder if a minimalist is inside of me. But then I see how minimalists use their computers for everything. I have discovered that I dislike being in front of a screen. Really, I just want a simply life with simply things. I want to be present to my family (especially these wonderful children I get to share my days with) and my friends. As much as I yearn for simplicity and "real" connections, your words via the internet have blessed me (and the irony of that is not lost on me). I am so grateful to you for sharing yourself and for reminding me of what is most important. God Bless you Susan. All those who know you in the "real world" are very blessed!

    1. Yes, Tracey, the words "kindred spirit" come to mind whenever read your thoughtful comments. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts with me from time to time. I'm always inspired by them. And haha about the "irony"! It made me smile. Best wishes and prayers for you and your family, Tracey. God bless.

  8. Oh, Susan. I'm sad to read this. I was so eager to see the unveiling of your new space. That said, I COMPLETELY understand. I waver about blogging, too.
    Last year I reduced my internet/blogging time significantly (less posting, deleted my FB account)-- which is difficult to do in this culture- sheesh!
    But it was a great joy to focus on the *actual* people and tasks God has placed before me each day, and not to get distracted by all of the stuff that seems to matter so much but really... doesn't.
    There is great wisdom in your decision, and while I'm sad for me (who loves to read about the things you share and love), I am happy for *you*.
    I'm also encouraged through your decision- to continue to be prayerful and intentional with my time. (It is so fleeting, isn't it? Our lives are but a breath, and I don't want to while away my time in front of a screen. Not when there's real LIVING to do. :)) So thank you.
    Oh, and I love your description of being a "technological minimalist". That you do best when that plays a small role in your life? Oh, ME TOO.
    May you grow deeply in the grace and knowledge of God, Susan. And as you turn off the noise of the internet, may you tune in deeply to His voice.
    Much love and affection, and blessings to you and your dear family,

    1. Stacy, you are another one that has been around for long time, and I'm so glad to have gotten to "know" you a little bit. I've been inspired and encouraged by you often. You've always been one of my all-time favorites. I just love your spirit and personality. You are a wonderful mother and a sweet Christian--truly a gem. I will keep reading your blog and will put up a comment from time to time just to let you know I'm out there! :-) Love, Susan

    2. Thank you, sweet Susan- for your kind words. You are such an encouragement. I thank you.

  9. My feelings echo the sentiments that have already been so beautifully shared.

    I must admit that I do feel sad...It's a little like a friend is moving away to an unknown address, especially since I won't even be able to come back and visit your old blogs. That is the part about reading blogs I find difficult, you feel connected to someone and then 'click', 'click', 'poof'-they're gone.

    But that is selfish and I truly admire you for doing what you believe to be right for you and your family.

    Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself on here, I've learned *so much* from you....

    I wish you many, many blessings,

    1. Michele, as usual, you have identified something on my own heart and mind. It seems almost wrong to invite people to see the details of my life, home, family; to share my thoughts and hopes and prayers; to tell stories in the hope of encouraging others; etc. And then to shut the door and say good-bye. I wish almost that I had never opened that door because I cannot possibly stay in touch with everyone who has read my blog, and it makes me really sad that I'm just disappearing or putting up privacy walls now after letting people in. I feel sad, too. It feels like I'm suddenly rejecting people, which is not my intention at all. I think this is just more evidence that I should have approached blogging differently. Michele, you have been a huge blessing in my life. I've learned much from you, and I've always appreciated your wisdom. Thank you for that. Thank you for your encouragement. God bless you, too. Love, Susan

    2. Oh no, Susan, even though I feel sad I wouldn't have changed a thing. You have added *so much* to my life. You have broadened my horizons and helped me to see things in a slightly different, and more fulfilling way. When I'm washing my dishes I try and be in the moment and not look upon it as a drudgery; I am paying more attention to God's created beauty; I quit worrying about "decorating" (and quit watching HGTV!) and went back to filling my home with what I truly love....These things (and many, many more) are what I learned from you.

      And every time I use my broom (that's another thing, I never thought to think or care about whether something was handmade, to see the value in that.) And to care whether or not someone was paid a fair wage for making it. Well, I will think of you. And in the fall when I make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins, I will think of you.

      You have blessed me more than you could ever know and I look forward to meeting you face-to-face in heaven someday....

      {{{Hugs}}} and Love,

    3. Well, Michele, again, thanks so very much for always knowing the right thing to say! I just smiled when I read this--so happy to know that you've tried and enjoyed some of the things I've posted. And I always, always appreciate your wisdom. Michele,you truly are truly a gem, and I am thankful for you.

      xoSusan (yes, I'll see you at your blog!)

  10. Don't be sorry, dear Susan. Thank you for all of the wisdom you've shared. I will always think of the "old days" with great fondness. :o) Enjoy those beautiful grandbabies and your sweet children.


    1. Jodi! :-) Thank you! I will reply to your email soon (loved it!). xo

  11. Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and writings with us over the years. I am going to miss your blogs more than I can say. May you and yours be richly blessed. Cheryl F.

    1. Dear Cheryl, thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you appreciated my blogs. I pray that God will bless you and yours richly, too. xoSusan

  12. Susan - Wow, I am going to miss your blog posts! I have been reading since High Desert days and have gleaned so much from you! I still drink green lemonade almost every day:) BUT I do understand, the desire/need to live life simply, fully, in the here and now - balancing today's technology. I can totally relate to "technology minimalist" - but yet, I have been so blessed "knowing" you through your blog. Have you read the book "Almost Amish"? Blessings! Shirley in Washington

    1. Thank you so much, Shirley! I love that you drink the green lemonade! I drink it too, as often as I can! :-) Thanks for your encouragement, and, no, I haven't read the book, but I will definitely look for it! Blessings to you, Shirley. Susan

  13. Oh Susan...I will miss you!!! You have been such an inspiration to me. Your faith, hope, and love shine through every post you have written. Honestly, I know very few people with such a joyful, optimistic outlook. You have been a long distance mentor to me in so many ways. The example you have set for me of how you relate to other people with love and respect, including your children, has been so very good. Thank you! I pray God will richly bless you and your dear family. Much love to you!!

    1. Silvana, you are another long time "blog-friend" whose lovely blog I will continue to visit! I so appreciate (and learn from) your thoughtful, wise spirit and your ability to see beauty and truth in nature, in literature, and everywhere. Thank you for your nice words to me, but, wow, I can only hope and pray the Lord will actually make me like that! :-) Love and prayers and blessings on you, Silvana.

  14. I appreciate you sharing this with us. Thank you for all the encouragement you have given through your words.

    I believe my home is better place because of reading them.

    Giving up or greatly reducing blogging time has also weighed on my mind lately. Tie is fleeting and I don't want to waste it!

    I wish you all the best.


    1. Stacy, I just see your name and smile. You were in that earliest little group of people who read my HDH blog, and you were so much fun to chat with in comments! I love your heart to serve your family and the Lord, and I pray God will continue to use you to encourage and teach others.

      Keep shining, Stacy!
      Love and prayers, Susan

  15. So glad I thought to stop by this morning and keep up with what you are doing. I am in a similar place, my friend, not quite so definite, but heading down a similar road. How glad I am to have had your email from the other day. I would hate to lose contact with such a special woman as you.

    Thank you for all you've given here. It has all been important and life-giving, even the rambly bits. *smile* Your life itself is a ministry and we are all so much better for getting to know you in even these small ways.

    Sending such love.


    1. Dear Tonia. :-)

      There were an awfully lot of those "rambly bits" in my blogs, weren't there?! :-) I've been thinking of you a lot lately. Will be in touch again soon.

      Love, Susan

  16. Wherever the journey is taking you, may you be as well blessed as you have blessed those of us who have loved your writing.

    1. Thank, Kim. Yours, as you know, was one of the first blogs I ever read, and I was always so inspired and encouraged. You've been a mentor to me, even though I am an old lady compared to you!

      Thanks for everything, Kim.

  17. Oh, Susan {taking a deep breath}, I've started to write to you so many times. But each time I've ended up letting the notes sit (for days sometimes), because it seemed I'd said too much, or hadn't said the too much quite right. Then, in the end, never sent what I'd written, since it seemed to be so. Well, here we now-are, at "the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute".
    And, well, in addition to saying that Kelli said just about exactly what I'd also like to say to you also, Susan (and I thank-you, Kelli, for saying it so beautifully-well), though you haven't known, because I've not sent off what I've written to say so, the past couple of years have been probably the most challenging of my entire adult life. Jesus, in His faithfulness, has held me, kept me, and provided for me, and I've grown and changed so much (in Him).

    So, that said, I couldn't let you go without saying at least just this little in *thank-you*, for being so genuinely you, wherever you were at, all the while you were here. You've been far more of a blessing to my life (as you've been to countless others) than you could know. All along, yes. But even more so during this particular season of my life. What a dear, lovely woman you are. A beautiful woman in every way. Love you, Susan. And I've loved being able to share in your precious life's journey as you opened your tender heart and warm home through your (always-just-right, wonderfully-sincere, bathed-in-grace) words. Thank-you for being a special part of my journey. Like everyone else, I'm going to miss you~~being here through your words, so much. No one outside of my immediate family, in whatever capacity that I know them, has been more of a loving comfort and encouragement to me during this time, than you.

    Just like everyone else, I can't say how much your presence here will be missed. God bless and keep you {and your beautiful family} as your tender heart continues to follow where He leads you, {dear Susan}. No one like you. {These few words for the many that my has held that have gone unsaid}. Thinking of you and praying for you. xo

    With much love, Jewels

  18. Well, Susan, *that* is what comes of saving, and shifting, and (finally, in the end) having Annie Rose okay it (how could she have okayed it? ;o) and blindly sending it. I know you'll know what I meant to say (despite what I did, and didn't ;o). xo

    1. Dear Jewels, I was so happy to see your comment here! And even if your message was accidentally sent, I am so glad it was. It encouraged and touched me. Do you know where I go online when I want a calming sense of beauty and peace? To your quiet blog. I've looked for an email address there because there are some things I've wanted to say to you, but, I suppose that is not to be. Or, if you get back and see this, can you send a note to (You don't have to if for any reason you'd prefer not to.) I never,ever check that email address, but I will check just until I close the blog, and then I will probably never go there again. :-) (I'm cutting out all of the extraneous things I can.)

      I don't know if you'll see this, but if you do, know that I have been so blessed by all that you've shared. And I will be praying for you.


    2. Dear Susan, my email address is: I'd love to be able to keep in touch. I'm so thankful that I (finally) got a note to you, and heard back from you before you left. That Rosie (has my opposite wiring and), she does me good! xo

    3. Got this, Jewels! Thank you so much, and I'll be in touch soon! :-)

  19. Silly, Megan. I not only have your email address, but I have your snail mail address (remember?!), and I do believe I owe you a letter. Give me some time, but it will be coming. :-) Wood stove and French press--two very happy rituals from my life. I love that they make you think of me (it's nice to be thought of).

    Thank you for your sweet words Megan, and I pray that God will work in me and actually make me that woman of faith you describe.

    You're awesome!
